



這幾天最聳動的新聞是「莎朗史東中風腦出血9天 醒來後發現5.8億財產被掏空」[1]。莎朗史東,曾經的性感女神、艾美獎與金球獎得主,卻在43歲那年突發腦中風,失去了左耳的聽力、癲癇不定時發作、平衡感和肌耐力大受影響。



        這幾年因為資通訊技術的發展,陸續有許多相應的智能復健科技研發,如使用肌腱固定誘導抓握(tenodesis-induced-grip)的上肢外骨骼機器人(exoskeleton robot) [3]、使用下肢外骨骼機器人改善中風個案行走能力[4]、結合任務導向訓練(task-oriented training)的居家復健平台[5]、結合沉浸式虛擬實境(immersive virtual reality)與鏡像治療(mirror therapy)促進中風個案上肢功能復原[6]、使用鏡像治療結合手部機器人-希望之手(Hand of Hope)對臨床效益之觀察[7]、使用任天堂遊戲健身環大冒險(Switch RingFit Adventure)於居家復健之效益評估(研究進行中)[8]、使用Wii Fit 改善中風個案的功能性活動能力和軀幹協調伸展能力[9]、使用機器人輔助復健改善中風後肩部疼痛問題(post-stroke shoulder pain)[10]、使用腕戴式穿戴式感測器偵測患肢使用及功能恢復狀況[11]、使用低頻重複經顱磁刺激(low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, LF-rTMS)改善中風個案的步態功能[12]、使用雙向織物材質機器手套輔助中風個案手部功能[13]等。





1.    Yahoo! 新聞. Available: 
2.    衛生福利部國民健康署. Available: https://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=213
3.    Hsu HY, Koh CL, Yang KC, Lin YC, Hsu CH, Su FC, Kuo LC. Effects of an assist-as-needed equipped Tenodesis-Induced-Grip Exoskeleton Robot (TIGER) on upper limb function in patients with chronic stroke. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2024 Jan 3;21(1):5.
4.    Chuang YC, Tsai YL, Lin TT, Ou-Yang LJ, Lee YC, Cheng YY, Liu CC, Hsu CS. Effects of soft robotic exosuit on ambulation ability in stroke patients: a systematic review. Biomed Eng Online. 2023 Sep 5;22(1):88.
5.    Lin CC, Lin YC, Hsu HY, Lin YS, Su FC,  Kuo LC. Home-based tele-rehabilitation system provides task-oriented training courses based on the stages of stroke, 2021 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Jeju, Korea, Republic of, 2021, pp. 1-5
6.    Weber LM, Nilsen DM, Gillen G, Yoon J, Stein J. Immersive Virtual Reality Mirror Therapy for Upper Limb Recovery After Stroke: A Pilot Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Sep;98(9):783-788.
7.    Chen YW, Li KY, Lin CH, Hung PH, Lai HT, Wu CY. The effect of sequential combination of mirror therapy and robot-assisted therapy on motor function, daily function, and self-efficacy after stroke. Sci Rep. 2023 Oct 6;13(1):16841.
8.    Kang D, Park J, Eun SD. Home-Based Virtual Reality Exergame Program after Stroke Rehabilitation for Patients with Stroke: A Study Protocol for a Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial. Life (Basel). 2023 Nov 26;13(12):2256.
9.    Sultan N, Khushnood K, Qureshi S, Altaf S, Khan MK, Malik AN, Mehmood R, Awan MMA. Effects of Virtual Reality Training Using Xbox Kinect on Balance, Postural Control, and Functional Independence in Subjects with Stroke. Games Health J. 2023 Dec;12(6):440-444.
10.    Gnasso R, Palermi S, Picone A, Tarantino D, Fusco G, Messina MM, Sirico F. Robotic-Assisted Rehabilitation for Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain: A Systematic Review. Sensors (Basel). 2023 Oct 3;23(19):8239.
11.    Demers M, Bishop L, Cain A, Saba J, Rowe J, Zondervan DK, Winstein CJ. Wearable Technology to Capture Arm Use of People With Stroke in Home and Community Settings: Feasibility and Early Insights on Motor Performance. Phys Ther. 2024 Feb 1;104(2):pzad172.
12.    Wang L, Wang L, Wang Z, Gao F, Wu J, Tang H. Clinical Effect Analysis of Wearable Sensor Technology-Based Gait Function Analysis in Post-Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Stroke Patients. Sensors (Basel). 2024 May 11;24(10):3051.
13.    Lim DY, Lai HS, Yeow RC. A bidirectional fabric-based soft robotic glove for hand function assistance in patients with chronic stroke. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2023 Sep 21;20(1):120.
14.    Ferrucci L, Bandinelli S, Guralnik JM, Lamponi M, Bertini C, Falchini M, Baroni A. Recovery of functional status after stroke. A postrehabilitation follow-up study. Stroke. 1993 Feb;24(2):200-5.
15.    Lee KB, Lim SH, Kim KH, Kim KJ, Kim YR, Chang WN, Yeom JW, Kim YD, Hwang BY. Six-month functional recovery of stroke patients: a multi-time-point study. Int J Rehabil Res. 2015 Jun;38(2):173-80.










